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Cleanup of Database

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    Cleanup of Database


    We imported a customer lists into CommitCRM from a csv file.

    We have added new names and details of new customer through CommitCRM as we have gone along.

    All the names and addresses appear, but the problem we experience is with the search.

    We find that when we search an account through the new ticket window, we sometimes have to search the last name or first name separately to find the correct one. We are finding doubling up of accounts because the account search has not found the customer when booking jobs in and another has been created.

    Is there a way to cleanup our database or is there any suggestions on how we can improve this system?

    We have historical tickets in two separate accounts for a lot of our customers. This has made things very messy.

    Thank you in advance for your support.

    Ben Waters

    Re: Cleanup of Database

    I believe that the Account Merge feature is the best tool here. Merge all duplicated Accounts into one and have the entire service history, tickets, notes, Assets, etc. merged into this master account.

    Activate the merge from the Tools > Data Tools > Account Merge menu option.

    Please BACKUP your RangerMSP prior to merging accounts.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Cleanup of Database

      Thanks Dina
      I just wanted to confirm a few things to test before we go live with the new database.
      1) Most duplicate accounts are caused by importing information from a spreadsheet and incorrect searching for customers when starting new tickets... i.e then a new account is entered.
      I was wondering if I need to identify a key field for the merge process, say a phone number or Surname/First NAme, etc.
      2) Because the account database is such a mess, would I better off sorting it out in a spreadsheet/MS access then importing it back to the program database. By doing this would we lose all links to new/old ticket items?

      Not expecting miracles as this is a big job with so much data to sort.

      Thanks for your time
      Mick (PC Pitstop)


        Re: Cleanup of Database

        Well, I wouldn't recommend importing all from fresh as you will loose existing links and Tickets to the imported records.
        You should select the Main/Master Account you want to keep and then merge into it the duplicate Account that you want deleted. All linked information from the to-be-merged-and-deleted Account will move to the Master Account so you'll have all history. Then move on to the next Account etc. You can also consider running the Un-Import options - this we automatically remove all imported Accounts that have not been used. By Used I mean accounts that no Tickets, Notes etc. been added to. Only unused accounts will be un-imported (delete) reducing the number of duplicates you have. This option can be accessed from Tools > Import & Export menu option. Before anything else - run a backup. Maybe more than once during you working on this.


