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Feature Request: Email manipulation

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    Feature Request: Email manipulation

    I don't know about other MSPs but we work from emails 99% of the time. I see that there is some XML email logic when emails come in. Is there a way to manipulate a ticket via an email response? I would love to see a ticket come in via email and to be able to reply to it and in the body put something like "#WIP" or "#WOC" and have it change the status to "work in progess" or "waiting on customer" etc..... That way who ever is watching incoming "new" ticket wont see a ticket that is being working. I don't always have CommitCRM open, but I do always have my phone/email with me so that way I can at least change the status remotely. At the end of the day I can then log into CommitCRM and add time and close the tickets but to be able to change the status via email would be awesome.


    Re: Feature Request: Email manipulation

    Interesting. RangerMSP Email Connector does allow you to update Tickets (and Accounts, Assets, Items, Charges, etc.) using XML structured emails, but, not via plan texts emails. This is part of our API by Email feature. I'll add you vote to this request as I believe that we've had another request to send "updates" with plain text emails.


