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Feature request: Sending emails without Outlook

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    Feature request: Sending emails without Outlook


    I would like to be able for CommitCRM to send emails directly without the need for a dedicated email client, such as Outlook. We use CommitCRM on a terminal server and not everyone has Outlook configured, nor should they. It would be great if CommitCRM had a built in email feature, where you could reply to a ticket, type your response and send it. (As an added feature, please also make use of customizable templates)


    Re: Feature request: Sending emails without Outlook

    Hi Andy, thank you for asking. While we definitely can imagine the benefits of a built-in email client we do not plan to invest resources in this direction in the near future. The reason for this is that RangerMSP works also works with the free Windows Mail/Outlook-Express products and thus spending our R&D resources on developing and email client instead of other features and options makes less sense to at this stage. Thanks for posting this and we will definitely revisit this idea in the future.

    I hope this makes sense,


      Re: Feature request: Sending emails without Outlook

      I agree with Andy that this would be really nice... CommitCRM already has the ability to send email... It would be very nice for this to all be in the same system. Like to a point that CommitCRM could be a self contained email support application...


        Re: Feature request: Sending emails without Outlook

        I see your point but one of the reasons we didnt purchase the web addon is because of this. If the web interface had the ability to send an email response to the client, that would be great.

        Also, it looks like you already have email capability in the Group Email, so adding one more to the tickets does not seem too much work to accomplish.

        Speaking of group email, that feature could use some improvement, mainly a preview that tells you what the email will look like AND the recipient list. Right now it's a little scary to use because you just can't tell who will be receiving the email.


          Re: Feature request: Sending emails without Outlook

          Araphael - Please find some feedback on the items you just listed:

          (1) The Web interface Does include the option to send textual email replies to tickets that will be distributed by the email connector to all relevant recipients..

          (2) Group Email - this feature works with Outlook as the sending engine. It's not a stand-alone email client... - all emails being sent can be found in the Outlook Sent Items folder. You can run tests to see how it looks like by sending to a group of one recipients (yourself) and check the folder in Outlook.


