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Create Multiple databases

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    Create Multiple databases

    Is it possible to have multiple databases? I would like a test database for testing imports, a customer service database and a prospecting database. With programs like Quickbooks, Act, Goldmine, Outlook I can click file / open / and open another database. How to do this withCommitCRM?

    Re: Create Multiple databases

    You can manage a single database. You can also always download the most recent 30 day fully-functional free trial from our Web site and perform all your tests with it.


      Re: Create Multiple databases

      I have close to 20,000 records in our marketing database. How will the program perform with the filter activated to show only clients. Any concerns here? I would like a heads up before we bring them in to CommitCRM.


        Re: Create Multiple databases

        Before importing records please verify that you have a backup.
        Performance will depend on both the infrastructure (CPU, network, Hard drives, etc.) and if you're using RangerMSP SQL Database then it'll also help with providing good performance with such an amounts of accounts.

        For what it worth our very own RangerMSP system holds many more records than this. We do use SQL thought and have a solid server/network infrastructure.

