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Draft feature for Messages

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    Draft feature for Messages

    Often when composing a message in CommitCRM, you need to reference other information in CommitCrm. Or, you may be composing a message, then need to take a phone call and do other tasks inCommitCRM.

    The problem is that due to the program language CommitCRM is written in, currently certain windows must remain open with focus and you can not open other windows.

    By adding a draft feature to CommitCRM messages, you would be able to save as draft, go find the other information you were looking for, and return to your draft message to finish composing the message and send.

    Having a draft feature for messages would increase the ease of use, and productivity of CommitCRM users.

    Re: Draft feature for Messages

    Thanks. However I think that you may be missing a feature...

    99% of the modal Windows you refer to can become un-modal freeing you to use any other part of RangerMSP.

    For example, when writing an internal message (or adding a Charge, or adding an History Note, etc.) click the 'Go Advanced' option on the lower right area of the window. The window will expand, more options will be displayed AND you are now free to use any other window within RangerMSP and set the focus anywhere you like within the application. So if you're writing a message and someone calls just click Go Advanced and you're free to use any other related window like Tickets, Accounts, Dispatcher, etc.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Draft feature for Messages

      Woohoo. Immensely. Still, a draft feature would be cool, then I could come back to it tomorrow. :) Thanks!

