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Workflow suggestion

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    Workflow suggestion

    When we complete work on a ticket we set it to a status called "follow up". Then a few hours later or the next day, we use an email template to send the client a note and asking if everything is working well, etc.
    I wish there was a way to automate this. Have you considered implementing a work flow intoCommitCRM? For example, allow to build actions based on different values.

    "At 8am every day FIND all tickets where status = follow up then SEND email with template X and CHANGE ticket status to complete"

    Another scenario, "at 6am FIND all tickets where status = new AND ticket open > 2 days THEN send email to manager as a reminder"

    You get the idea...

    Hopefully something to consider in the future? Thanks.

    Re: Workflow suggestion

    Hi Araphael,

    Implementing such work-flow features is something which we have heard from a few other users as well.

    We definitely see the benefits of having such tools, although we always try to keep the balance between more new tools and keeping the system simple and control-able.

    I believe we will consider some of the implementation in the future, and I added your suggestion to our requests database. Thanks.



      Re: Workflow suggestion

      Could something like this be done using the existing API and a little VB code? History notes would need to be written to Commit, is this also possible?

      We would like to have a "everything okay" email automatically sent when the ticket status is changed to hold. Is this possible to do with the email connector?


        Re: Workflow suggestion

        Yes, I believe that with the API you can implement such programs - you can add/update most of the record types in RangerMSP (Accounts, Tickets, Assets, Charges, History Notes, and more...) as well as to query information. Click to learn about API.

        The Email Connector is meant to manage Ticket Email Threading and it does not automatically send alerts. The Alerts Server does and it will send email alerts to the Ticket Manager on such a change (and many more) but not to the customer. The alert to the customer will be sent when the Ticket is closed or opened.


