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Display of contract status

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    Display of contract status

    Hello, I am wondering if there is another way to quickly look at a contract status. When I create a new ticket, I can see dollars used and dollars remaining. Is there another way to see this information? It would be handy to have it on the account preview tab.

    Re: Display of contract status

    The Contract status can be seen in the Contract window under the General tab, next to the Status field. From the Account window, you can double-click the Contract and see its full details.

    Other than that, you can generate Contract reports, such as "Contract List by Type and Expiration" and see the contract balance there. This lists all the contracts according to your filtering criteria and is very useful.



      Re: Display of contract status

      Thank you, most helpful. Don't know why I couldn't find that before. I was looking in the accounts tab, under contracts.

      It would be helpful to be able to add the contract status as a field that could be added to Table Options - Add / Remove Fields. It's the first thing I want to see when reviewing an account.

      Also even more helpful would be to add it the account preview!

