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exclusions for email connector?

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    exclusions for email connector?

    Hi All,

    I am trying to implement CommitCRM at our company, and in it's current state, it's not very usable. Some things I believe will not be avoidable, so I've thought of some things and want to know if it's possble or if CommitCRM has an answer for.

    Can I create email exclusions for the email connector? I currently have a "catch all" setup so that any emails from our domain is taken intoCommitCRM. However I would like to avoid it from taking in automated emails from our backup services, reports etc that use the same email domain.

    Secondly, my reply (from within Commit) feature doesn't seem to work. I want it to reply to the person that sent in the email, but from my testing that is not happening.

    Thirdly, duplicate tickets seem to be unavoidable. I figured out how to merge 2 tickets, but I'm running into a problem where I will get about 10 emails about the same thing. Is there a way to do a group merge? Can I select Multiple tickets and join it to 1 master ticket? Doing one at a time is not very convenient in this case.


    Re: exclusions for email connector?

    Hi Wong, thank you for posting this.

    I currently have a "catch all" setup so that any emails from our domain is taken intoRangerMSP.
    I'm not really sure what this mean and why you've configured the system to work this way (and in which method), so if you can elaborate this would be great.

    I would like to avoid it from taking in automated emails from our backup services, reports etc that use the same email domain.
    Automated Email Rules are checked prior to anything else. In case an email falls under an Automated Rule classification it will be processed as such.
    With the correct configurations it should work exactly as you expect it to where automated email alerts from managed services will fall into the Automated Email rules.

    my reply (from within RangerMSP) feature doesn't seem to work. I want it to reply to the person that sent in the email, but from my testing that is not happening.
    When using the Email Connector the entire email thread is managed by it. This means that when you send your reply it actually goes to the email connector which then in turns distribute it to the customer. Click to learn all about Ticket Email Threading.
    From what you described above I suspect that your system is configured in a way that all email replies from your domain are captured as Automated. If this is the case it means that your replies will also be considered as such and therefore won't follow the standard Ticket Email Thearding rules and thus won't be distributed to the Ticket External Recipients (the customer).

    In regards to your question about Ticket Merge - Only Two Tickets can be merged at any given time.

    I hope this helps.


      Re: exclusions for email connector?

      Hi Dina,

      Thank you so much for replying.

      1) I added our domain (instead of an email) as a secondary contact, this allowed all emails coming from my domain to go intoCommitCRM.

      2) Is there a setting I can go to to add particular email addresses so that CommitCRM can recognize them as Alerts and ignore creating tickets from them? I'm not sure where to configure this.

      3) I have about 250 employees that submit support requests, do I need to add all their emails as contacts in order to be able to reply within CommitCRM? I've read the "Ticket Email Threading" link, but I'm unsure where my configuration is wrong. But to give you a better idea, when I select a ticket and then hit email or reply, it pulls up an email (outlook) window and then I can send it (it has the CommitCRM public email connector's address in the TO:) and it will show up under the ticket history, but the person who submitted the email never actually gets the reply.



        Re: exclusions for email connector?

        Hi Wong,

        1 - I believe that this is not a good practice. I recommend that you will Not have any catch-all rule for your business domain name. Catch-all rules were meant to provide the answer to #3 below - a catch all rule at the customer level so you will Not need to add All customer contacts and for that any email from your customer will open a Ticket under your account even when the exact email address is not found in your RangerMSP database.

        2. Using Automated Rules you should be able to identify alerts and emails that comes from automated systems. For example - by identifying a specific Word on their Subject.

        3. If you add your customer domain as an email address for a secondary contact under your customer account (AKA catch-all rule) all email message - from All senders of your customer domain - will create a Ticket.
        In regards to the 2nd part - the Sender of the original email is always added as a recipient - so when you hit the Reply in RangerMSP and send a reply to the email connector (in order for it to send it to the customer) the original Sender will get the reply. This is because the original sender been added as a Ticket External Recipient automatically.



          Re: exclusions for email connector?

          Hi Dina,

          I think I've got the automated emails figured out. But something is still not right with number 3.

          "3. If you add your customer domain as an email address for a secondary contact under your customer account (AKA catch-all rule) all email message - from All senders of your customer domain - will create a Ticket.
          In regards to the 2nd part - the Sender of the original email is always added as a recipient - so when you hit the Reply in CommitCRM and send a reply to the email connector (in order for it to send it to the customer) the original Sender will get the reply. This is because the original sender been added as a Ticket External Recipient automatically."

          That is exactly how I want it set up and how I want things to happen. But the trouble is, when we are replying from commitcrm the external recipients are not receiving any emails! Any ideas on what I can do to troubleshoot this?

          Thanks for all your help!



            Re: exclusions for email connector?

            Your reply from RangerMSP should be sent To the email connector.

            Now - if emails from Your domain are configured as a catch-all rule or are considered Automated - it will Not work.
            Each Employee in RangerMSP should have a very specific and personal email address defined to the employee under the employee Account in RangerMSP and ONLY to this account. Any catch all for such emails will Break everything.

            So, each employee has a personal email address that is saved in RangerMSP for their account and should be used when the sending Email replies to customers (well, actually to the Email Connector that then sends it to the customer).

            Each employee must have a unique email address. The is how the email connector identifies the the Sender is an employee and then distribute it to the customer.

            If your Automated Rules are not configured correctly then they might hijack employees emails what will result in the email connector threading rules to be skipped and ignored.

            I recommend that you review your system configuration with the above in mind.



              Re: exclusions for email connector?

              Ok, so I've removed the catch all rule and turned off the automated email handling to eliminate any possible breaking of the reply feature. I have created a dummy account to do some testing. Using the dummy's exchange account, i sent an email to commit's email connector address, and a ticket is created - wonderful! I check the email recipent tab under that ticket and the dummy account is listed as an external recipient - wonderful! I then click on reply from within commitcrm and my outlook window pops up. I proceed to send an email to commit's email connector address (prefilled automatically). From what I understand, at this point the dummy account should receive that reply - but this does not happen! I log into the dummy mailbox and nothing is there. I check the email connector's box, nothing is there. I checked location where any uncrecognized emails are sent and nothing is there! I am at a lost with this reply feature. Can you point out where I've gone wrong?



                Re: exclusions for email connector?

                Alright, so the reply feature is now working. I'm guessing it just took some time for the settings to take effect. Please disregard the previous post.

                New question now. I was under the impression that after replying within CommitCRM to send the external recipient an email, CommitCRM would keep all responses under the same ticket instead of creating a new ticket if the external recipient replied. This is not happening though; the external recipient's responses are generating new tickets rather than remaining under the initial one. Any ideas?



                  Re: exclusions for email connector?

                  Please disregard last post - again! It's working now.

                  Is there a way to pull contacts from our Exchange - global address book? instead of manually creating accounts and entering in emails for each employee?



                    Re: exclusions for email connector?

                    Thanks for the updates.

                    Using RangerMSP-Outlook Sync you should be able to select the Contacts folder to sync with (as long as the currently user has full access rights to this folder).
                    As you are looking into a single Import, unlike continuous sync, use the Tools > Import & Export > Import Accounts option and select to import from Outlook.

                    Another alternative would simply be to export the Contacts list to Excel and using the same option listed above select to import from an Excel file, map the fields and you're done.

                    Before trying anything, please backup your system first. This may save you in cases something goes wrong or wasn't mapped correctly.



                      Re: exclusions for email connector?

                      I added every employee to my contacts folder in Outlook and then proceeded with doing an import thru CommitCRM. Everything looks good except in the email field under the general tab. Those fields are field with something like: /o=Mostyn Law Firm/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT) instead of the actual email address. Will this be a problem?



                        Re: exclusions for email connector?

                        Yes, I believe this is not valid. Email addresses should be listed there and not internal texts. Maybe it's something with the way your contacts are organized in Outlook. I've never heard of a similar scenario with such import/sync. Please review everything and how exactly the employees/users email addresses are stored. Maybe they point to a AD data and this what causes this type of data to appear? Standard email address texts should be stored in Outlook and it'll work fine. Give it a try.

