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Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?

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    Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?

    Would love to see this come to MS SQL at some point. Pretty sure you guys use Interbase...

    Most of us techies already have copies of MS SQL, imo it's a better database too.

    I know there are no plans for this.... :P Just saying.


      Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?

      After using it for a few days it is indeed much faster on the lan. Not like it was slow before but the entire office noticed the difference. Reports, opening, closing, switching screens, all faster.

      Over the vpn.... it is much faster than it was without sql. It is still somewhat-slow imo, just faster than before. We went from 15mph to 25mph. It is nearly twice as fast, but still slow.

      That being said you can actually use it over the lan with the sql upgrade. Before you really couldn't.

      We are now evaluating if the vpn speed is worth the cost. We were thinking we needed 5 sql licenses for our 7 user licenses, but according to the sybase server, we are using almost 15 connections.


