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3rd Party Hosted CommitCRM?

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    3rd Party Hosted CommitCRM?

    Hi Folks!

    As we consider moving our IT biz infrastructure to the web more completely, we are reviewing moving CommitCRM CRM and the other apps residing on our local Windows/SBS servers on the floor here to *3rd party* hosted Windows app providers.

    We are located in the US SE region and are looking for 3rd party windows app hosters. (NB: Our preference is *not* CoLo providers; the *3rd party* is to run the virtual windows server and keep it patched etc.)

    Has anyone done this? Any recommendations on good windows App hosting providers?(Amazon's AWS does not yet seem to offer full 3rd party windows app hosting?)


    Miami Beach

    Re: 3rd Party Hosted CommitCRM?

    Rackspace is a good choice. From 150 - 450 / month depending on what level of support you want. Intermedia is a little less expensive. Lots of cheap cloud servers out there. Just google virtual server hosting and there's a gazillion of them out there.

