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LabTech CommitCRM integration - Does it work?

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    LabTech CommitCRM integration - Does it work?

    Hi All,

    We are currently a CommitCRM user and we are considering making a change from our current RMM to LabTech. I am not naming our current tool because I don't want to start an LT vs. thread. What I would like to know is, how well does the LT to CommitCRM integration work? I've seen comments on this forum that it does, and that people have tickets opening in CommitCRM from LT. But I have a few questions, some general and some specific.

    Does this work well?
    Do you have to clean up open tickets in LT?
    Is anyone entering time in LT and having that flow through toCommitCRM?
    Will it automatically create the assets in CommitCRM with the details from the LT inventory? If so can it store software keys and license codes inCommitCRM?

    Thanks and looking forward to hearing all responses.

    Re: LabTech CommitCRM integration - Does it work?

    We use the LT/commitcrm plugin and most of the time it seems to work ok. Occassionally we get a ticket that doesn't sync. Asset sync is ok, but some of the fields do not match up correctly.

    I believe the plugin was written some time ago and could well do with an update to tidy it up, but with LT and connectwise joined at the hip, it probably wont happen.



      Re: LabTech CommitCRM integration - Does it work?

      Also time import is not real time. You have to do an "export to Commit" process.


        Re: LabTech CommitCRM integration - Does it work?

        The notes field is also an issue when syncing. Labtech's field is substantially smaller than Commits. So if you have more data in CommitCRM then Labtech can store in its field Labtech will truncate the data and sync it back to Commit, potentially losing important information.


          Re: LabTech CommitCRM integration - Does it work?

          Thanks for the info. Looks like the integration is worth it but, like so many of these things, not without its challenges.


            Re: LabTech CommitCRM integration - Does it work?

            I would strongly suggest disabling the part that syncs the notes field. I would much rather have it not syncing the data then removing something fromCommitCRM.


              Re: LabTech CommitCRM integration - Does it work?

              I actually tested this, but I couldn't get the notes to truncate as you describe. Maybe if you edit them in labtech, then sync - which I did not try. That being said, you are correct that labtech will not display anything that exceeds the field limit, but it didn't truncate the data in CommitCRM - at least for me.

