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email template changing font --

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    email template changing font --

    would like to change to calibri, size = 11...

    copied a template and changed:

    body{font-family: arial;font-size: 10pt}


    body{font-family: calibri;font-size: 11pt}

    but the system locks up or errors out (code -2147417856)... how do we make these changes and what are our options for the style fields.

    thanks --


    Re: email template changing font --

    I'm not sure what exactly is the problem with this, however, any valid html line should work here. Maybe you can google the exact syntax for this font in html.



      Re: email template changing font --

      that's what our web developer said... we can't figure out why CommitCRM is locking up with the second line...

      on a side note, is there a way to define the font and size for plain text templates?



        Re: email template changing font --

        is there a way to define the font and size for plain text templates?
        Plain text emails do not, and should not, include any text formatting including text size. This has nothing to do directly with RangerMSP but rather with the way the text/plain email boundary protocol set - it does not allow formatting. Some email clients that displays such emails can be configured to use a specific font and size for text/plain emails.



          Re: email template changing font --

          I guess what I dont get (n what I mean) is that CommitCRM never seems to pass the proper info to the email client (in this case, Outlook, which holds about 50% of the market -- not some obscure mail client...). In this case, I have outlook set to display all incomming and new plain text messages in calibri 10 yet when I generate a message from commit, it comes in with calibri 12. I think whatever is happening here is also affecting our ability to get the HTML code to transfer to the emails as well...




            Re: email template changing font --

            Text/plain emails do not include an text formatting, nor can they. The RFC for such emails does not include support for it.

            When HTML emails are sent they are sent with the Exact HTML code you configured for the template. We do not modify anything nor do we change any of the font sizes etc. These emails follow the RFC too.

            So, I'm not really sure why this is happening. I'll check here and if there's anything else I can say I will sure post it back here.


