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Remove MASS tickets

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    Re: Remove MASS tickets

    Not debating that really... I just finished removing 150 completed tickets from my "inbox." Just saying there WOULD be workarounds if the API allowed it. As it stands, the only workaround is WORK. :) Anyway, hopefully something will come down the pipe with 5.9.


      Re: Remove MASS tickets

      Thanks guys for the additional input.


        Re: Remove MASS tickets

        Well- another GREAT thing from the developers- multiple delete of tickets is NOW AVAILABLE on version 6.2

        things are starting to be SO much easier and faster. great job guys !


          Re: Remove MASS tickets

          Thanks. Yes, the new batch remove from Inbox is a real life saver, especially when it got filled with tons of tickets resulting from alerts...


            Re: Remove MASS tickets

            This is batch remove from inbox?

            It doesn't actually delete the tickets though?


              Re: Remove MASS tickets

              That's right, it removes them from the Inbox but does not delete them.


                Re: Remove MASS tickets

                We are slowly starting to play with having automated systems connect to CommitCRM for ticketing -- our first experience into this area was with our cloud based email security systems. Yesterday I had to delete/close about 40 tickets because something happened with email archiving connectors. Working through that process of working with all these tickets (updating status, due dates, resolutions and closing them) made us realize that there is no way we are ever going to connect our RMM (Continuum) and other monitoring tools to CommitCRM until we have a way to process multiple items at the same time.

                In short, we should be able to multi-select items (tickets, charges, etc.) using the standard shift and control keys to make edits and modifications. When we say modify, we should be able to close, delete, mark as billable, mark as billed, update the manager, set due dates, set priorities, set the resolution, etc. and as ascendnet said, we should not have to API this stuff -- it should be a simple process inside the application!

                Commit, we have a lot of people requesting this... help!!


                BTW, really looking forward to the next update -- hoping we get more user fields and project functionality!


                  Re: Remove MASS tickets

                  Coming from ConnectWise, I find this extremely annoying, as we at times will get emails sent from automated systems and these things can spit out emails every 15 minutes, as such can get a pretty heavy load if it happens out of hours.

                  Removing them one by one is a Nightmare, and mass inbox clearing is not the correct result, as we don't want/need these emails kept in anyway one email will suffice for the job.

                  Could CommitCRM not have a checkbox at the begining of each line, which when can then check off. Then a button above to apply Bulk Action (this is the way wordpress does it)

                  After hitting bulk action we could select delete, then choose the delete options then apply, from there CommitCRM could just apply a batch job. This same methodology could be used to apply other functions to tickets also.

                  Otherwise is there a way we can attack this problem via the API if CommitCRM is not looking to implement a solution.


                    Re: Remove MASS tickets

                    Thanks guys, feedback noted. As you know you can already batch-remove from Inbox, anyway, we will evaluate the options to allow running other batch actions.


                      Re: Remove MASS tickets

                      So yesterday, something happened with how messages were routed in CommitCRM and we ended up with about 500 tickets that needed to be deleted. It took two people over an hour to remove (delete) these tickets from CommitCRM. This is absolutely stupid and a colossal waste of time. We need a way to work with tickets and charges in a multi-select mode. We should not need to know how to work with the API to do simple and basic tasks.

                      For Tickets: delete, close, change status/status extension, change type, change manager, set due dates, set priority, and modify the contract.

                      For Charges: change billable status, mark as billed/unbilled, update the quickbooks invoice number, change employee, and anything else that doesn't change the charges.



                        Re: Remove MASS tickets

                        We understand the issue and will consider all the possibilities for improving the situation. Thanks again for the feedback.


                          Re: Remove MASS tickets

                          Had another issue and we ended up with another 500 tickets that I now need to manually delete... each... and... every... one... of... them...

                          It's ridiculous that we don't have a way to mass delete tickets like this. Absolutely ridiculous.



                            Re: Remove MASS tickets

                            Hello All,

                            Feeling like this?

                            This VBScript selects each ticket listed in the ticket window and does the delete operation on each ticket the number of times you stipulate in For count = 0 to 20

                            I thought I would share a vbscript I put together that I use to remove multiple tickets "automatically" using vbscripts sendkeys function.

                            I'm kind of hoping I just did this for fun and that there is actually a option to do this by now, if not, hopefully the CommitCRM devs can make this a maintenance task in future releases.

                            Due to the devs leaving the ALT menu item out for the Tickets menu (ALT+T opens tools) I had to use the arrow keys to select the Tickets menu.

                            Copy and paste the below bold text (between [code][/code] but not including) into your favourite code editor and save it with the .vbs extension.

                            Please be careful with this script and backup CommitCRM before you start, the last thing I want is for someone to delete the last weeks billable hours. It will also tie up one of your machines while processing.

                            It takes a little bit of setup but once it starts you can just leave it to run on that computer and be more productive with your time.

                            If this helps you save a few hours of your life, then you are most welcome. If it deletes your C:\Windows directory and sets Internet Explorer as your default browser then the usual disclaimers apply.

                            'VBScript SendKeys, Use with Caution, save code at MassDeleteTickets.vbs
                            'Close all CommitCRM workspaces and open the tickets window
                            'Create a filter for your tickets that matches ONLY the tickets you want to delete
                            'Click the first ticket in the filtered list and
                            'Run the vbscript below to begin the "automatic" deletion of tickets in the filter
                            Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject

                            'Set the number of times you want to loop the deletion by changing the below
                            For count = 0 to 20

                            'Activate the CommitCRM window
                            WshShell.AppActivate "CommitCRM"
                            'Wait time between each operation, change to suit the speed that your CommitCRM responds, use find/replace to change all wait times simultaneously
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            'Make the CommitCRM menus active by pressing the ALT key
                            WshShell.SendKeys "%"
                            'Move to the "Ticket" window by using the right arrow button
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{RIGHT}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{RIGHT}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{RIGHT}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{RIGHT}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            'Open the Ticket menu
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            'Select the Delete window option
                            WshShell.SendKeys "D"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            'Tick all boxes related to the Ticket,
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys " "
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys " "
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys " "
                            .Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            WshShell.SendKeys " "
                            WScript.Sleep 750
                            'Finish selecting the boxes and press Enter to complete operation
                            WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
                            'Close script
                            Set WshShell = Nothing



                              Re: Remove MASS tickets

                              This is historical. I just wrote something like this with AutoIT.
                              Yes, we needed it too.



                                Re: Remove MASS tickets

                                I have only just started using the email connector and ran into the problem over the weekend with a device spitting out email notifications to the support queue instead of monitoring.

                                Is it too much to ask for you to post your autoit solution as well lpopejoy?

