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Contract exceeded

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    Contract exceeded

    Has this ever been addressed (last thread I saw was from 2010)? I currently have a customer over charged on a contract by 3.5 hours. They asked us to automatically give them a new contract and bill them when they run out. How can I split a labor charge into two contracts? The tech was there 6 hours, there were 2.5 hours left on contract-1 and we need to put the remaining 3.5 hours on contract-2.

    Is there a way for CommitCRM to automatically generate a new contract when the old one is full, that would work even better!


    Re: Contract exceeded

    Hi Jim,

    Thank you for your question.

    The system does not automatically decide to split Charge records. All this is very sensitive and we try to refrain from having such things done automatically where you might end up with angry customers. At the moment the best option is to handle this manually, so you’d probably want to make separate charges when you pass the initial block amount, that is, if you wish to pass the rest to a new contract.

    The application lets you quite easily copy the Contract to the next date range (use 'Copy Selected Contract to a New Date Range' in the Copy options) and start using it right away with your split charges. This way, you can still bill the customer for each contract separately.

    I hope this helps.


      Re: Contract exceeded

      Can I split a charge between two contracts or do i need to add a second charge and reduce the hours of the first charge?


        Re: Contract exceeded

        Yes, you should indeed add two charges and reduce the hours of the first charge with the amount specified for the second charge. The Contract block balances will be updated automatically.


