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CommitCRM wont start after move to 2008R2

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    Re: RangerMSP wont start after move to 2008R2

    Yes, correct. The RangerMSPWebInterface.exe file does not exist under the \RangerMSP folder but only under the \RangerMSP\WebInterface folder.

    Please post an update when you have it.


      Re: RangerMSP wont start after move to 2008R2

      I suspect that something in the way you implemented the migration of the system from one server to the other was incorrect.

      Such migration cannot be discussed over here.

      We will be contacting you by email to provide more migration instructions.


        Re: CommitCRM wont start after move to 2008R2

        looks like it.


          Re: RangerMSP wont start after move to 2008R2

          Migration info sent by email.

          Please do Not discuss the migration details over here. Thank you.


            Re: CommitCRM wont start after move to 2008R2

            When I start to receive actual help here, i am directed to take it to email. Then it took over 30 minutes between the first two responses, and then nothing.

            So here it is 10pm, the last email i received was at 4:49pm. I sent an email at 4:53, 4:56, and then another one at 5:46 after i heard nothing.

            Is this normal support speed or is something special going on?


              Re: RangerMSP wont start after move to 2008R2

              For what it worth we first heard about this problem here in this forum thread and have replied within 15 minutes... and then most replies been provided in about 5-10 minutes.

              Anyway, many of the files been missing or located in the wrong folder after your server migration, this thread covers two, so it's clear that something were missed during the server migration process.

              If you have access to your original server 'shard driver follow the migration instructions again. This would be by far the easiest option. We understand that you went through this process in the past so it shouldn't take long.

              In case you don't have access to the old server, then, go ahead and reinstall the system and then restore from backup. In this case you may need to reconfigure some of your .ini files for the Web interface and RangerMSP Server.


                Re: CommitCRM wont start after move to 2008R2

                I sent the first email at 11:32 am on 4/16/12. It went to Support @ .

                Did you not receive that?


                  Re: RangerMSP wont start after move to 2008R2

                  No, we have not. We only received your email with the log files after we requested it here.


                    Re: CommitCRM wont start after move to 2008R2

                    We sent it. Shows sent from the desktop and the server, not sure what happened.

                    It is now working.

