when we double click a ticket in the tickets window, the ticket should open for editing... currently nothing happens.
thanks --
Support Team
Re: double click in ticket window --
I'm not sure what you are referring to here... The Tickets window can display only list, list & details, list & complete details, etc. Select the Ticket you want to view and click Ctrl-K (for example) and select the viewing option from the window and it'll show the Ticket details.
Re: double click in ticket window --
kind of simple... open the tickets window, hover over a ticket and double click it... in any other program on the planet (and in some areas in commit), whatever you double click opens up... in commit, it just sits there... (!)
In other words, if we double click a ticket, the ticket should open up in another window -- try is with charges in the charge window... when you double click a charge, the charge opens in a new window... how about items... voila!
All windows should behave this way... you may ask "why" -- because we often need to see multiple tickets, contracts, assets (etc.) at the same time (this is a frequent occurrence). In order to do this, we have to go look up each individual account, go to the specific tab and open each thing from there... if the double click worked from the main menus, things would be much more efficient!!!
Currently accounts, tickets, contracts, assets, opportunities and employees do not open with a double click...
thanks --
Support Team
Re: double click in ticket window --
In the main entities window (Tickets, Accounts, Assets, etc. - the ones with tabs) it works like this:
When you select a record you see its details in the tabs (as opposed to Charge which is a simple entity with no tabs).
If you want to open them in a separate window - select the record and hit Ctrl-W (or right-click > Open in New Window). Done. A new window will open with the selected record details. This way you can open several Tickets, Accounts, Assets, etc. all in parallel.
Here's another tip:
You can open several "main" windows (Tickets/Accounts/Sales Opportunities/etc/) by right-clicking their main icon (located on the main left side pane) and select the 'New Window' menu option.
Re: double click in ticket window --
that is much quicker indeed but I still don't understand why a double click doesn't work for this... also consistancy is not there... in some windows it's ctrl+w or "open in new window", in others ctrl+w doesn't work but a right click menu option of "show" does (e.g. in the charges window).
if you have room for another peeve, the up/down arrow keys and enter key should work in all windows... seems that half the time they don't do anything.
Support Team
Re: double click in ticket window --
Thanks. Noted. FWIW - Support for the up/down arrow keys has been scientifically expanded in the coming release.
Re: double click in ticket window --
just another suggestion while I'm here... when we do double click something, if the item is already opened in it's own window (for instance, if an asset is open and I double click the same asset) we get multiple copies opened... doing this, I can open 20 different windows of the same thing. This is not only annoying but potentially probelmatic if edits have happended to the same thing via the different windows. A suggested solution is that if we double click something and it's already open, just have focus go to that window. I can't tell you how many times I have multiple windows of the same thing open...