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File upload via Web Interface

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    File upload via Web Interface

    If I upload a file using the CommitCRM desktop client it will create a folder within docs using the clients name. If I upload a file using the web interface however it just dumps the file in the docs folder. I've checked the upload/download settings for the Web interface and as far as i can tell they are correct.

    Is there a work around to this? I'm planning on uploading signed PDF files on every job so as you can imagine this would start to get messy pretty quickly.

    Re: File upload via Web Interface

    Document files are stored under the documents folder you configure to your account under the Account's Details tab (it is called 'Docs Dir'). It is set automatically when using the Windows client as the Windows client can actually and easily create this folder if it does not exist.

    The Web interface uses the settings configured for your accounts - so - if an Account already has documents which are stored under a dedicated folder the documents you upload from the Web interface will be stored under the Account's dedicated folder.

    The global Docs folder will only be used when no dedicated folder has been created to the specific account yet.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: File upload via Web Interface

      So I basically need to get into the habit of configuring the docs dir for each account before doing any uploads via the web interface?


        Re: File upload via Web Interface


        This is usually done automatically for you when using the Windows client. And, it is only required once per Account.



          Re: File upload via Web Interface

          Ok, thanks for clarifying that.

