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Text Search Rich Text

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    Text Search Rich Text

    To search history, you currently have to switch to line mode. It would be nice to be able to search from the rich text view. Any plans to incorporate this?

    Adding the option to also search resolution in the dropdown would be most helpful.

    Re: Text Search Rich Text

    Same filtering options apply for rich view and list view, if you refer to the Table Options > Text Search then indeed it's available as an option for Table/list view only. Thanks.

    In regards to search by Resolution - well - when viewing the main Tickets list on the toolbar there's a Text: field to search by. This automatically search the Ticket Description, Resolution and Notes fields.



      Re: Text Search Rich Text

      I'm not seeing this. The way we are working, we want to search the history on xyz company. We pull up the record Xyz Company, then click on history to search and 1.) no option to search rich text veiw, 2.) switching to list view search does not search resolution field. Please try it.

      From what I understand, you are suggesting pull up the tickets view, set the filter to Xyz Company then do my search?

      Can I suggest the search of history, tickets and resolution work the same from the account view?


        Re: Text Search Rich Text

        Sure. We will. Thanks. In regards to Ticket Search, yes, I believe that it will be more convenient to do so from the Tickets window and type in the words you want to search, maybe after filtering the list to show tickets of a specific company.


