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Two companies, running CommitCRM with 0500-

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    Two companies, running CommitCRM with 0500-


    What will happen, when two different companies is running CommitCRM with 0500- ticket nummers.

    And Company 1 is sending a mail to company 2 publib email, then a ticket will be created.
    But what about the answer, if the ticket number ALSO exist at Company 1s CommitCRM system.

    Do you get the point ?

    - Why I ask, is what if I sell CommitCRM to some of my customers, then that situation will occur.

    Re: Two companies, running RangerMSP with 0500-

    The Ticket number is NOT the only item being checked when processing emails. The system also checks who sent it (an employee? a customer?)? what the sender role? etc. and only then processes the message (once validation is completed successfully).

    The Public Email Address of both companies is also different, as well as the email address of the employees replying to Tickets.

    So all in all it should work well.

    On a side note I would mention that it is very easy to increment the Ticket numbering. So, even if all should work as explained above, you can still increment the Ticket numbering in your customer RangerMSP's so it will not start from 1,000 but rather will start from 70,000 (for example).


      Re: Two companies, running CommitCRM with 0500-

      FYI, soon I will install a CommitCRM system at a customer

      I tried to create the scenario... and it does NOT work, sorry to tell.

      If the ticket number exists in both systems then:
      The email will be archived in BOTH CommitCRM systems under the corresponding ticket nummer.
      In system 1 it is okey as it should.
      In system 2, it just get archived under that ticket number - Not belonging there.

      If the ticket number does NOT exist in one of the two systems, the email create this error:
      *** Errors occurred while processing the attached Email.
      You should process this Email manually.
      Reason: Ticket 0500-70203 Not Found

      Bonusinfo is, that in time CommitCRM will be installed in let say 10 different companies, all of them will be emailing my CommitCRM system...

      So can you please tell me how to deal with this ?


        Re: Two companies, running RangerMSP with 0500-

        Indeed you cannot automatically "ping-pong" between systems as this might confuse the other system (or your system) accordingly. Scenario noted. Thank you for discussing this.


          Re: Two companies, running CommitCRM with 0500-


          Just curious, but to make this work, can the "pre-defined format" for the subject be modified?

          see here

          So basically itnognet's system could look for subjects like "Ticket # (0500-1000)" instead of "Ticket [0500-1000]" (Commit's default). Is it possible to change the identification rules that CommitCRM uses to identify a ticket # in the subject line?


            Re: Two companies, running RangerMSP with 0500-

            Good thinking, however the format is fixed and therefore it will not work :-(


              Re: Two companies, running CommitCRM with 0500-


              can you verify that it is a problem, or it is me doing it wrong.


                Re: Two companies, running RangerMSP with 0500-

                What you are trying to achieve with this cannot be implement as the two systems will try to hijack each other ticket number and they will probably fail to do so. So yes, this 'ping-pong' scenario does not work.

                Hope this helps.


                  Re: Two companies, running CommitCRM with 0500-

                  I have already sold CommitCRM for some of my customers, and planning more installations too.

                  But it seems to be a very bad idea, because two CommitCRM systems cannot handle the tickets numbering.


                    Re: Two companies, running CommitCRM with 0500-

                    Why don't you just increment the ticket numbers on one of the systems to say an 9 figure number? you will have years before it ever becomes an issue

