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Hide inactive employees

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    Hide inactive employees

    I ASSumed the 6.0 feature to hide inactive contacts also extended to inactive employees.

    Is this not true, or do i just not know where to go to find it? I looked under employee details for the same image in the 6.0 release documentation.

    Re: Hide inactive employees

    Not-Active Employees are already filtered from most Employee selection lists.
    I wrote "most" but not "all" because in some cases they are listed on purpose - like when allowing you to generate history reports for employees, even if they do not work with you anymore (all their histories are kept in the system).

    I suspect that you may be mixing the special Not-Active employee status (set under the Employee' tab) with the generic, free text, Account status located under the General tab.


      Re: Hide inactive employees

      What I was looking for was to go into the employee tab and not see any inactive employees listed.

