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Web interface shows employees as active

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    Web interface shows employees as active

    Inactive (old) has-bin employees, show as active on the web. The client shows them as inactive.

    Gave me a scare, what can we do to get the web interface to be accurate?

    Re: Web interface shows employees as active

    I'm not sure what you are referring to exactly. However, employees that are marked as Not Active under the Employee tab are not displayed in the Web interface as Active. Sometimes they may still be listed if you've just modified the employee status but rather than this it should work as expected. Also (and I do not know whether it is the case here) please do not mix the Employee special Not Active status with the Account dynamic status found under the 'General' tab that can also include the in/active statuses. In any case, if the issue persists please let us know more details. Thanks.


      Re: Web interface shows employees as active

      If i go to the web interface and click the emp tab, it shows all the employees. It shows some as active that are inactive when using the client.

      Not sure how else to describe it.

      Upon further investigation, it only appears to affect the last 3 employees on the list;

      It shows active, active, blank, when it should be inactive, inactive, active.


        Re: Web interface shows employees as active

        Thanks for attaching the screenshot.

        I think that status "Active/Inactive" for these Employee was edited under General tab (the free-text status) and not under the Employee tab.

        Maybe it's a little confusing but this field is only for textual information and is not used by system to recognize Active or Not active Employee, as it can be cleared and edited by users for both Employee and for Account records.

        In order to mark Employee as Inactive click "Make Inactive" button under the "Employee" tab when the employee's details are displayed.

        This action will remove the employee from ALL employee selection lists and from Employee list when displayed in the Browser (please restart RangerMSPWebInterface service to changes affect immediately).

        Note: you can cancel the user account for Employee using "Configure User" button under the same tab. The employee will remain Active in all lists in application and the Web interface but will not be able log into RangerMSP.

