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Custom Report Printing

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    Custom Report Printing

    1. We have a printer that has multiple paper trays available to print from.

    2. We have created a custom report and when in the designer, clicked on File > Page Setup > Paper Source and selected the desired tray and saved the report.

    When we return to the report the Paper Source remains set as set and as expected.

    3. When we Generate a report from this custom report click on Print > Printer we find the paper source is NOT as set up in the report and the report prints from the incorrect tray.

    4. We had this working correctly prior to upgrading to version 6.

    So what has changed? or What have we missed in setting up printing of this report (and others I might add) to have them print from the correct tray?

    Re: Custom Report Printing

    Indeed some changes were included in 6.0 related to print setting. We received many requests to use printer default settings (as set at the driver level) and not customized ones.
    In other words, people did not like the fact that they need to select the printing settings again and again every time and preferred to set them once at the printer driver level.

    I'm actually not sure how it worked for you before with the customized report but this is something we will need to review.


      Re: Custom Report Printing

      So are we saying that the settings made at a report level are not being acted on and being override at the print driver level?


        Re: Custom Report Printing

        Further testing of both custom reports printing and default report printing suggests that the print driver defaults are NOT being picked up correctly.

        The print driver defaults as paper source being automatic (the actual source being the default/automatic source hard set within the printer itself) YET any report being printed shows paper source as Plain (the paper type not paper source).

        I would suggest that you have a bug in the report printing routine.

        Please investigate further and advise.


          Re: Custom Report Printing

          Bump - any further response to this query / observation CommitCRM Support.



            Re: Custom Report Printing

            We tried to reproduce what you described here with 6.0 and with the configurations we've tried so far we do not see this problem. We do understand that it happens with your configuration. You may send us your RangerMSP log files, maybe these will teach us why it works the way it does with the configuration you have.


