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Send web user account credentials

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    Send web user account credentials

    It sends an email (from a template) that includes the URL, username, and password to the client.

    Kudos on that, one less step for us. We already had a email template that looks almost identical.

    I tried to generate credentials for a new user and I still had to come up with a random password before i could send the email.

    Is there a way to have CommitCRM create a random password and send that to them?

    I know we have to enter the persons name and email address at a minimum.

    Once we make up a password and hit save, it only saves us the step of sending the password to them. Which for us was only a click on the email template we already had.

    What would save us time is, enter persons name + email, and hit send!

    Re: Send web user account credentials

    Thanks for the Kudos and feedback. Random passwords cannot currently be generated.

