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Interlink Available Now

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    Interlink Available Now

    Interlink is now available at

    Re: Interlink Available Now

    It's working... but a little buggy.

    CLIENT USERS :: I had a test user setup at one of our clients, I went to Administration > Client Users and changed it from an Administrator to a "Technician". In doing so the Test User account now has full access to interlink like one of our internal technicians, can create tickets, manage all of our accounts, etc. When I went back in to change the account it's not missing from the "Client Users" list, but I cannot re-add it back from the Client Manager > Client Users, the test user is in the drop down list but when selected it does not re-appear below. I should mention that I can login, view all of our clients, projects, etc. with this Test User, but do not see it listed in any user lists in Interlink and have no way to add or remove it anywhere. After changing it to a "Technician" it went into a black hole.

    CLIENT MANAGER LIST :: We are now able to list all of our clients in Interlink thanks to the multiple "Client Type" selection list (a little buggy but better, see below), but when we pull up the "Client Manager" list it loads up so much information that it almost crashes the browser and takes about a minute to load before we can continue.

    CLIENT TYPES :: There are now two areas to specify "client types" that we assign inCommitCRM... one is in the main CommitCRM "setup" tab, the other is a dedicated "Client Types" tab. Interlink seems to pick and choose which "client type(s)" setting it decides to use. For example when I go to create a new KB article it only gives me a list of clients set in the "Setup Tab", but when I go to view Accounts it gives me all of them.

    INCONSISTENCY :: Adding a new charge or ticket allows you to first select the client by searching/filtering the list. This works great for us because we have over a thousand clients. But when I go to add an Asset or Contact I have to scroll through the list.

    - Screen resolution on Android phones still leaves white space on right.
    - When viewing a ticket on the mobile site there is no way to view the entire description of a ticket. It shows two lines of text per ticket on the list view (which is fine) but when you click on it it does not expand or give you the ability to pull up more information.

    CLARIFICATION NEEDED :: How do we handle Client In-House Technicians in the new version? It seems like we no longer need a CommitCRM user license for them, but I also don't see a way for them to see tickets or get assigned to tickets for their respective accounts.

    - Ability to view all tickets or ticket by employee. If an employee is out on vacation or a manager wants to be able to view all tickets we need that ability from Interlink.
    - Ability to filter tickets in the Home Page view (by Status at minimum), so if I only want to see in house tickets, or In House & Onsite but not On Hold I can.
    - Ability to see, change and filter/sort by Ticket Sub-Status (STATUSNOTE column in the CommitCRM Advantage DB)



      Re: Interlink Available Now

      We are looking at having a patch ready for these tomorrow sometime. Also to clarify, a CommitCRM license is still required for anyone in Interlink who works on or bills against tickets. Will post here as soon as the patch is available.


        Re: Interlink Available Now

        we didnt have some of these issues (from what we can tell) but is there a patch yet?


          Re: Interlink Available Now

          The patch is available here. We have hit the major items but are still working on a couple minor items.


            Re: Interlink Available Now

            Thanks for all your hard work on these issues David, looking forward to the refined product!

