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Timer Enhancement Request

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    Timer Enhancement Request

    I would love to implement usage of the timer for our techs when working on tickets. It's a great way to be able to capture the time being spent on a ticket as well as record detailed notes on what is being worked on during that time. The problem that I have is when you are done you are supposed to hit the Charge button which creates a new charge based on the time and information entered. Because the timer description becomes the part of the charge description we have not used timers.

    When we create the invoice (Quickbooks) it uses the text from the charge for the line item on the invoice. This would end up creating a very unprofessional looking, potentially numerous page invoice with a lot of information that the client or accounting department does not care about. As well as some information that we might not want them to see.

    I would much rather have a button on the timer window that would create a charge based on the time but put the details into a separate history note. That way when the invoice gets created it only has the generic charge text but the details of what was worked on would be nicely documented in the history of the ticket.

    If there was a way to make that function that way I would put that as our procedure in a heartbeat and constantly use the timer. As it functions now it just isn't usable because we would have to rely on the tech to cut and paste the text from the timer or charge into a history note after the fact, which we couldn't expect to happen 100% of the time.

    I guess the other option (and simpler solution) would be to have an option to only transfer the first line of the charge description (which is the generic charge text) to the Quickbooks invoice. Then the notes would still be available when looking at the history on the ticket but wouldn't clutter up the invoice. It would still clutter up and stock reports in CommitCRM that include charges though.

    I would definitely prefer the first request to separate the notes from the charge but the second method would at least allow us to quickly be able to use the timer feature.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this or suggestions on how you are using the timer feature?

    Re: Timer Enhancement Request

    Thanks. In the past there was not Description text available for the timer and many user asked us to add one as this would help them get more accurate details into the Charge. So, we introduce one and it is a part of the Timer now and, just like you wrote, text you write there during the time you work on an issue is sent to the Charge Description once a Charge is created. We know that many users loved this addition. Now, what you just asked for is somewhat more complex, you want to create a Charge from the Timer - but without the description, and want the description to go into an History Note record. We will definitely take a note on this in order to evaluate it. What you should probably do now is use the Timer for charging - let it count the time click to convert it into a Charge when done. Only write the Charge related information in the Timer Description so it'll go to the Charge (the "first line" you referred to), or don't use the Description text of the Timer at all.
    Then, open an History note in parallel where you can write all of the text you want to included there, and not in the Charge. Please note that while by default the new History Note opens in modal state (e.g. this is the only Window that can use), clicking the 'Go Advanced' option (lower right) will switch it to a standard state where you will be able to use the History Note to write texts as well as any of the other Windows - all in parallel.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Timer Enhancement Request

      How about adding my second option at least? Just having an option to be able to only send the first line of the charge description to the Quickbooks invoice will at least solve part of my issue.


        Re: Timer Enhancement Request

        Everything will be considered. The above are just us sharing some initial thoughts. Thanks for posting and asking.

