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Merge Contact in Word based on CommitCRM template.

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    Merge Contact in Word based on CommitCRM template.


    I cannot see how I can create a Word document based on a CommitCRM template, where the Contact is merged fromCommitCRM.

    - It will only merge with the Contact from the main account, I want it to merge with one of the other contacts.

    Can you advise me.

    Re: Merge Contact in Word based on RangerMSP template.

    Currently only the Account data can be merged using RangerMSP Word Templates feature, not the Contact data. Thank you for asking, we'll add a request for this so it'll be evaluated.


      Re: Merge Contact in Word based on CommitCRM template.


      Please tell me, how you would send a Word document to a specific CommitCRM account contact person with with the Contacts person name merged - is it impossible ?

      Or even better, a tickets contact name. - Is this also impossible ?

      If it is impossible with a Word template, can you suggest another way to do it, fx. inside Commit, please.


        Re: Merge Contact in Word based on RangerMSP template.

        As mentioned above, the current RangerMSP Word Templates feature of merge the account information, not the secondary contact one. This include any of the account's field (plenty) including new custom fields you add. We've already taken a note regarding your original request. The way to implement it now may be to open the Accounts and Contacts database table directly from Word during ODBC, as a database source for the standard Mail Merge feature in Word. This actually can turn out to be very powerful.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: Merge Contact in Word based on CommitCRM template.

          We would like to use CommitCRM to create quotes for our customers. We currently store Word docs and PDFs in CommitCRM, but we would like to create them from CommitCRM Templates to save time. We can't do this until the contact data is able to be used rather than the account. When will this functionality be available?


            Re: Merge Contact in Word based on RangerMSP template.

            Thank you for posting this.

            Using Contact data is not something which is available in the new version and we can't say for sure yet when it will be added. However we do have a built-in Quotes module which you could use instead of merging with Word docs/templates. Using this you can use Secondary Contacts and not just the main Account data.

            Full details on using the Quotes module is available on our wiki here.


              Re: Merge Contact in Word based on CommitCRM template.

              Or check out Quotewerks and the CommitCRM integration with it... Fantastic piece of software.

