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How to assign a ticket to a crew?

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    How to assign a ticket to a crew?


    Is there any way to assign a service ticket to more than one tech? If so, can you refer me to the proper documentation.


    Re: How to assign a ticket to a crew?

    At any point a Ticket has a single engineer that is assigned to the Ticket as the Manager.

    However - this does not mean this engineer/manager has to handle the ticket alone. You can add as many different Tasks under the Ticket as needed and assign each to a different technicians. Adding Tasks for a ticket and assigning them to different technicians can be done from the Ticket pending tab.



      Re: How to assign a ticket to a crew?

      and so...having the abiltily for each tech to add history notes, update the status (and status extention) and assign due dates including a null due date would make this a MUCH more useful tool... :-)



        Re: How to assign a ticket to a crew?

        Ray, we assume that you were referring to the tasks enhancements you mentioned in another thread...

        Even when the Ticket is assigned to X you can still have all employees add History Notes under this Ticket, be assigned to Tasks under this Ticket and much more - all under their name. Each such entity (History Note, Task, Appointment, Charge, etc.) that can be added under the Ticket can be assigned to a different technician employee.



          Re: How to assign a ticket to a crew?

          yes I was... and yes we know about how entities can be assigned to different employee accounts, etc.

          What I'm getting at is that tasks could be so much more useful if we can treat them more like a sub-ticket. That way we could easily task individual employees with parts of a project, let them process accordingly then have everything aggregate back to the main ticket...

          That said, maybe tasks is the wrong place to do this. Maybe what we should be thinking about is creating either something called a Project where a bunch of tickets would feed into (effectively having a master ticket with normal tickets under that) OR create sub-tickets (or allow nesting of tickets)... which is simply a normal ticket that is grouped under a master ticket. I figured tweaking tasks a bit would get us close enough but maybe another approach is better?




            Re: How to assign a ticket to a crew?

            @ Ray - we are on the same track with the same idea

            +1 I vote for a PROJECT feature, which would just be a duplication of contracts with a different name.


              Re: How to assign a ticket to a crew?

              We requested a project feature in an old post. Really would love to see this in the next version of CommitCRM as projects are a main part of our business. Other competing CRM systems offer sub tickets, etc... as part of a master ticket - which can then be assigned to multiple technicians.

              +1 from me too!

