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Advantage Database

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    Advantage Database


    I am having an issue with calling up the CommitCRM Client. We are running the CRM in an Amazon environment. The APPs server has the CommitCRM database and all files associated with it. We have a Terminal Server (TS) that the client is executed from. Both have their firewalls down (the firewall is on the gateway). This is what happening:

    When you first login to the TS, you run the CommitCRM shortcut. The program delays and requests to run. Click run and after another delay, the following error appears.

    Error 6420: The discovery process for advantage database server failed. unable to connect to the advantage database server"

    Now, if I simply run the shortcut again, I get the same initial delay, click run and CommitCRM comes up. Everything runs normally after that.

    I have restarted the Advantage Database Service and performed the same procedure above with the same results. I checked the forum out and found the procedure for creating the ADS.ini file. I followed it to the letter execpt I found nothing concerning any specfic port to assign to it.

    Any sugguestions on how to proceed from here?



    Re: Advantage Database

    An ADS.ini file should indeed be used. In regards to the port - if you have not specifically configured it using Advantage Configuration Utility then you can omit it from the ADS.ini file altogether. Let us know how it goes.


      Re: Advantage Database

      Not sure if this is related but we have noticed that when we reboot our server the advantage database doesnt work properly unless we log in and restart the service.

      We put it on delayed start, but that doesnt seem to do it.


        Re: Advantage Database

        Thanks for the post, nattivillin. I specifically put in the ADS.ini file and configured it. One thing I did not put in the file was the port number. Is this an arbitrary port that is not being used or does the ADS database have a port that it listens to?. I restart the ADS service and yet still have the problem.


          Re: Advantage Database

          The default port it uses is 6262 so you can try specifying it and/or configure another dedicated port (using the Advantage Configuration utility) and use it instead in your ADS.ini file. My guess though is that the problem somehow relates to DNS not translating up-front and only being translated after an access to the files/folders been attempted once. To try to work around this try modifying the desktop shortcut on your desktop to use IP address path to the server, instead accessing with shared drives/server-name-unc. If nothing works please email us your ADS.ini file for review.

