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Viewing only customers in the Accounts list

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    Viewing only customers in the Accounts list

    When i open up accounts, i just want to see a list of customers only, i don't want to see employees or other types. How do i set an account type to default? instead of displaying all types?

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: Viewing only customers in the Accounts list

    When viewing the Accounts list, you can select which Account type to view using the pull-down menu in the tool bar at the top part of the window. The default is "[all types]", and if you click the arrow you can select to view only "Customers". Note that you can also un-check the "Show secondary Contacts" in case you wish to view only main Account records.

    Note that with our next version release (currently in beta) you will be able to save display settings, such as windows locations and more. This will allow you to save the current filter you select for the Accounts list as your default view when opening the Account window next time you login to the system.


