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Recurring Charges/Contracts

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    Recurring Charges/Contracts

    Greetings all,

    We have grown enough where automating our monthly maintenance contracts are a must. So, I read through the wiki and watched a couple of great videos on this exact topic and have the process down. However, I'm noticing some glitches, that maybe someone can help me out with.

    We create contracts with Block of Money that expire at the end of the month.

    We renew them at the beginning of the next month and bill out the charges in Charges-Contract Price.

    Everything is great, except:
    Even after the contract expires it still stays Active
    Even though I've billed the "Charges - Contract Price" it still says Used 0 of $$$ in the Status

    Can anyone offer any advice to simplify this and have the contracts go away at the end of each month without having to attribute any tickets to "use up" the block of money since the work for these contracts is automatically done each month?


    Re: Recurring Charges/Contracts

    Hey all,

    Looks like I found my answer, it has to be done manually... not sure if this makes sense, but I found this thread

    It'd be nice if contracts closed automatically when the expire, since... well, they are expired.


      Re: Recurring Charges/Contracts

      Many times Charges are logged to a Contract even after it expired and another Contract has become the default/active Contract. This is the case with any Charge you log the next day for the previous day which happens to be the last day of the previous month (though they are many other similar scenarios).

      Please do note that when a Contract End Date lapses this Contract will NOT be selected for new Tickets, etc. but rather the current (renewed) Contract will be automatically selected.

      Also note that you do not necessary have to wait for next month in order to renew the Contracts, you can perform it several days prior to the month end and on the 1st of the next month RangerMSP with automatically select the current valid (date wise) Contract and not the one that has expired.

      Hope this helps.

