What is the downside to changing this default value? From the way this is described it seems like it should always be set to unselected.
Support Team
Re: Contract Pricing
Yes, indeed and normally these are indeed the default settings. However, many times you may want to know the ticket value regardless of how you bill your customer and regardless of what's already covered, if this describes your work flow better then selecting it may be a good idea as it'll default to it.
Re: Contract Pricing
Is there a way to change this on the report itself? For instance, some invoices should show non-billable and others shouldn't. I've been showing them all the time and then explaining that the "unbillable" charge is just for time tracking.
Support Team
Re: Contract Pricing
You can select to include or not to include Not-Billable Charges in the summary when generating the "Technical Service Form including Charges" from Charge Reports.
In other Charge Reports there is an option to print only Billable Charges.
When generating Invoices using RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link there are default settings to show/do not show Not-Billable Charges in the Invoice, these settings can be selected manually while generating the Invoice. Please note that these settings control whether to show and include these Charges in the QuickBooks Invoice - but - when they are included they are zeroed automatically. So the customer see them but is not being asked to pay for them.
Re: Contract Pricing
From a ticket, I would like to have the option to print two different invoices: one that shows not-billable charges and one that does not.
This would obviously happen by editing and saving the reports as desired, is this possible?
I'm not concerned about not-billable charges in Quickbooks, but I do know that is possible.
Last edited by lpopejoy; May 14, 2013, 06:37 AM.
Reason: Correction
Support Team
Re: Contract Pricing
Unforutnately it cannot be selected there. From the Ticket details you can print the form with Charges (including not-billable) or a tech form without charges at all. Good idea though. We'll have this logged. Thanks.