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    Re: Inventory

    Commit, one suggestion would be to simply allow the ability to "lock" pricing on items (price and markup) which would then allow us to simply set up an "inventory" account and keep inventory there. The "lock" could simply be a checkbox. When something moved out of inventory, we could simply re-assign it to another account/ticket (etc.) and the price/markup would remain the same. If the checkbox gets unchecked, then the system would use this as a trigger to re-evaluate the charge as it applied to the accounts custom pricing (kind of like it does now). It's pretty basic but would work for small inventories.

    That said, this would require Commit to circle back on the accounting parts and fix the bugs (honestly, I still can't believe they haven't been fixed yet):
    1) Rounding errors
    2) The inability to calculate markup/discount on a per-piece basis
    3) The inability to do a return and have commit reverse out the markup/discount (negative numbers)
    4) Inconsistencies with how Commit uses “price” and “cost”

    Of course, you have heard me talk about these bugs many times. For posterity, some of the old discussions...





    Inventory would be a nice (and pretty simple) addition to the application but until the accounting functions are fixed, I doubt it would do anyone much good.

    Commit: many people have talked about these issues and most have done what we have done, stop using CommitCRM to do any of the calculations. It’s time: THE ACCOUNTING MODULE NEEDS TO BE FIXED!



      Re: Inventory

      Ideas noted. We still think that inventory is more complex than what you've described and that it touches many different aspects. Anyway, thanks for sharing your feedback and implementation ideas. We've already copied them to our system.

      Thanks for referring/reminding the other threads.


        Re: Inventory

        Is there any sort of update on this?

        I am trying to locate a solution to track the devices that we will eventually e-scrap or refurbish and sell because we have no idea what that pile of chassis might have that is usable to repair another system.

        I also need a solution to track things we decide to stock for walk-in clients (i.e. routers, RAM, monitors, keyboards, etc...)

        If anyone has any ideas, PLEASE let me know. I need a solution ASAP.

