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hour glass --

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    hour glass --

    just a thought but as I sit hear waiting for CommitCRM to run searches (which generally never returns the information I'm looking for or better said, I rarely find what I'm looking for in the system) -- I noticed that there is no indication that it's actually working on the search... for all I know it could be locked up or somethign similar. Is there any thoughts to adding a spinning wheel or progress bar of some sort?

    thanks --


    Re: hour glass --

    ray - Maybe we're missing something but as far as we could see all searches includes and shows an hour glass icon while searching. Can you please point us to the exact search you perform where it does not show it? This way we will be about to show the icon in this scenario too.


      Re: hour glass --

      hmmm... you are correct... not exactly sure what window I was searching from but it definitely wasn't showing an hour glass... although the hour glass goes away if you hover over the title box so maybe I was doing that.

      On a side note though, it would be really good if there were a way to cancel searches (etc.). There is the X in the title box but that basically just crashes CommitCRM instead of canceling the search.




        Re: hour glass --

        I agree. A cancel would be nice.


          Re: hour glass --

          What/where are you guys searching where it is taking so long?


            Re: hour glass --

            Sometimes i forget i am on the vpn and i run a yearly report. I can either I can wait or, crash CommitCRM and reload.

            Searches are pretty zippy in the office.


              Re: hour glass --

              dunno... I get searches that take minutes to crank through for example, searching all charges for a server serial number... (!)

              Another area that needs the hour glass AND a cancel option is reports... I've had reports that take minutes to come back after hitting print preview... (!)



                Re: hour glass --

                Hi ray, can you be more specific with the search you just referred to? Can you please elaborate exactly on how you search for "all charges for a server serial number"?


                  Re: hour glass --

                  go to the charges window, extend the dates back 5 years, right click, table options, text search and type in some text to search on. If searching for something obscure (like a serial number), it can take a long time to come back with any info. The issue is that while the mouse icon does change to an hour glass, there is no real indication that it's "working"... sometimes I think it's locked up but honestly, it never has. That said, I wouldn't consider this a priority althgouh somewhere along the way, adding the option to cancel would be a good addition.




                    Re: hour glass --

                    ray - one recommendation - while the table/grid text-search is a powerful option it is not the optimal way to run searches because this type of search actually goes line after line and searched the text - which is not optimized. While sometimes it is a good option we still recommend that when possible you will be using the filtering option for such searches (either the structured fields on the toolbar or by using an advanced Filter). All these options use database indexes and searches are normally, much much faster. Hope this helps.

