We are getting erroneous appointment done messages from CommitCRM server. The user who CommitCRM is saying is completing the appointments say they are not doing it.
Any ideas?
Support Team
Re: Appointments being marked done by user
From your post I assume that you refer to email alerts. Please note that these are sent only when Appointment details are modified so there has to be an update event that triggers it.
I recommend that you open the Appointment details of one of the appointments you've been alerted on and check its status and last update date and user (listed in labels as part of the details Window).
Also, and depending on your configuration, when an Appointment is done - History Note is added, so you can also check for such notes under History.
Re: Appointments being marked done by user
I think the user in question was "unaware" they were marking them as complete. I asked them first, they said they didnt, but it is clear now that they did.