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Auto email when account is created

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    Auto email when account is created

    Hi Team,

    I have an idea to have the system automatic email the customer that sends out a User name and Password to the email account once created.

    Customer could then login and change the password. This would save time and give the customer a better user experience. Also they could then check the progress and lodge a ticket. At the moment I have to make the username and password and then ring or email the customer.

    Re: Auto email when account is created

    Thank you for posting this.

    There is already an option to send an email to a customer with their Web User credentials right from Web Users tab using 'Email' button or by right clicking and selecting the option from the pop up menu.

    This feature was introduced in RangerMSP 6.0 and is very useful.

    While the email is not sent automatically it does makes this work flow much more 'automatic' without you having to do anything manually.

