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Getting the best out of CommitCRM

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    Re: Getting the best out of Commit

    Do your support emails get automatically converted to tickets?


      Re: Getting the best out of Commit

      yes without any problems.


        Re: Getting the best out of Commit

        This doesn't work for me either. I can get new tickets created by sending an email to support@ but when I send an email to bcc support@ with subject: [TKT-0500-2261] I get an error bounce back stating:

        CommitCRM Email Connector could not determine for which Account this email message is related to because the Sender Email address of the email is defined for more than one Account (see details below). Verify that only one Account holds this Sender Email address.

        Any ideas?


          Re: Getting the best out of RangerMSP

          Thank you for posting this. Each Email address must only be set for a single Account or Contact or Employee, otherwise it will confuse the Email Connector. So just check that your email address is listed under your Employee record only.

          BDTechRob, thank you for sharing your experience and useful tips with our community. Indeed, when employee is sending an email and Public Email Address is Cc'd or Bcc'd, the email is only filed under the Ticket and is not distributed to Ticket Recipients.


            Re: Getting the best out of Commit

            i can only get this to work by sending it to the "TO" Field. CC or BCC dont work for me either?


              Re: Getting the best out of RangerMSP

              What are you trying to achieve with Cc or Bcc? When an identified employee (by their email address) is Cc'ing or Bcc'ing the email connector the email gets filed under the ticket but it is not distributed to the customer (e.g. External Recipients).


                Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                yes I send my signed disclaimers to CC or BCC with the ticket number in the subject. The document does not store under the account. If i send it to the TO filed it does save under the ticket


                  Re: Getting the best out of RangerMSP

                  This could be due to a rule you have defined for Automated Emails using your email address which is interfering with the expected email handling procedure. Another thing to check is the Manual Processing and Error Handling Email Address which is defined in the Email Connector.

