Is it possible to generate quotes without showing the single item price that I need for calculating the correct quote price?
Any help would be appreciated
Re: Quotes without showing single item prices
Maybe you could make a new quote report and hide the price field? Not sure if that would work or not. If you just want to "group" items, then you can't do that.
Support Team
Re: Quotes without showing single item prices
You can create a custom Report template which will show only what you want it to show. To do so go to Reports > Quotes and select one of the existing Templates such as Quote Form 1 then click Copy, give it a name and click OK. Now the Template appears under Custom Reports so make sure you select that one and then click Design to open the Report Designer. Now you can add/remove data fields as required, for example you can remove the entire Lines section and add one of the Quotes - Total fields, and any others you need.
However Lines is actually a sub-report and you can edit specific parts of that as well, which may be more what you are looking for. To do that you should look at the bottom of the Report Designer where you will find another tab called Lines so just click that to edit the data fields for the sub-report. To remove the price while leaving the Items you can just select and delete the Price column and the data column below it, as shown in this screen capture:
When you have finished editing the Lines sub-report just return to the Main tab then save the new design and it can be used for generating Reports.
To generate your new custom Report you can just click Generate from there in the Reports window and also in the Quotes window you will see it in the list when clicking the arrow next to the Email and PDF buttons. You can also edit the Email Template for Quotes if needed via Settings > Email Templates.
You can also set a custom Template as the default by selecting it in the Default Details Report list from Tools > Options > Quotes.
You can read more about designing custom Reports here