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Tickets Description Field :Stop 2nd Line Appended ?

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    Tickets Description Field :Stop 2nd Line Appended ?

    Hey There,

    Anyone done anything with the description field to stop the run on of text ???

    We just want to see the first line rather than also seeing the second since it gets appended to the first.

    It makes the "short" description hard to read and also makes it look a little unsightly.

    It would be good if the description field just respected the CR/LF and stopped there.


    Thanks, Steph.

    Re: Tickets Description Field :Stop 2nd Line Appended ?

    ​I​f you mean description which shows in the main Tickets list in the Windows client, the system tries to show more there to save you from having to open the Ticket​ to see if it is what you were looking for. If that is not what you were referring to, please let us know more.


      Re: Tickets Description Field :Stop 2nd Line Appended ?

      Yes, that's exactly what I mean.

      Since there is no short description field everything just runs on(and it shouldn't). It makes it hard to read. The second line just adds noise (it makes it look like its part of the first which is confusing). We are adding spaces after the first line to make it easier to read the list of tickets.

      Can you add an option to respect the CR/LF and effectively just show an actual short description. (which we will often edit to make the description mean something useful).

      Thanks, Stephan.


        Re: Tickets Description Field :Stop 2nd Line Appended ?

        Already have. Thanks.


          Re: Tickets Description Field :Stop 2nd Line Appended ?


          I updated to 6.03 but its still wrapping the 2nd line onto the 1st for the ticket descriptions in the Tickets window.

          Should it be fixed?

          Thanks, Stephan.


            Re: Tickets Description Field :Stop 2nd Line Appended ?

            No. We've just logged your feature request for this and it is naturally not implemented yet. It will get evaluated though. ​


              Re: Tickets Description Field :Stop 2nd Line Appended ?

              Thanks. Looking forward to that.

