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Text searches in Knowledge Base articles

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    Text searches in Knowledge Base articles

    Free text search in KB is not as powerful as in Ticket text searches.

    For example, assume a Ticket's Title is "Newsletter preparation peocedures".
    If this was the description for a Ticket, then text searching for "news" or for "letter" would find the Ticket.

    Now assume there is a KB Title "Newsletter preparation peocedures".
    Here a text search for "news" or for "letter" will both fail.
    Only an exact seartch for "Newsletter" will work.

    As we put more and more procedures in KB articles, a stronger search wouls hwlp us find the relevant KB article.

    PS: I know we can get the same effect in KB searches by using a Filter with
    Title Includes "News" but that is a nusiance.

    Re: Text searches in Knowledge Base articles

    While reading we wanted to recommend using the Filter but as you mentioned it already we won't :-)

    Feedback noted.


      Re: Text searches in Knowledge Base articles

      Was this ever fixed? We often cant find things we KNOW are there.


        Re: Text searches in Knowledge Base articles

        Yes, with the addition of Free Text searches. Click to learn about the more advanced knowledge base article search options.


          Re: Text searches in Knowledge Base articles

          Great. Now How about adding article numbers?


            Re: Text searches in Knowledge Base articles

            You are welcome!
            Numbers - currently you may use the Article Record ID for unique identification (click the Record ID label button at the bottom) or you may either manage identifiers yourself by including it as part of the article, we will take a note about in the requirement for nicer IDs.


              Re: Text searches in Knowledge Base articles

              KB article numbers would be awesome. That would make things easier to reference.

