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Filter items within the charging option

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    Filter items within the charging option

    We have different pricing structures for different service plans. When selecting an item for a charge, can we have the price list show the only items which are relevant to the plan level, as opposed to all the labor charges appearing?

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: Filter items within the charging option

    The Items pull-down list in the New Charge window displays all the Items which are relevant to the Charge type (Labor, Expense, Part).

    What you can do is set the all the Items which relate to a certain Service Plan, with an Item Code which starts with the same prefix, thus grouping them together. When you select the Item in the Items list within the Charge window, you can type in the prefix and it will automatically filter the list to display only Items starting with this text.


