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date ticket

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    date ticket

    I open a ticket on the day 28/10/13
    in the "General" mask insert the date 25/10/13 in the "open" and the date 25/10/13 in "close."

    In History is the opening date of 28/10/13
    We need to insert the ticket for the activities carried out by telephone and that are inserted in the CommitCRM the following days.

    Re: date ticket

    The History entry is just an audit note of when the action was performed in RangerMSP (when the Ticket was updated) and that is the way it is supposed to work - it will show that the open/close times were changed and what they were changed to so there is a record of that as well. You can also add a new History note with the date set to anything you want. The real open/close times will of course always show in the relevant fields in the General tab for the Ticket.


      Re: date ticket

      In the "Account Preview" mask I see the ticket with the date of opening and closing.
      To learn data were dealt with should view them one by one: absurd
      I wish that I were told that the current structure of the database does not allow to update the date


        Re: date ticket

        Being able to change the date of an audit note would basically negate the purpose of that function which is to log when the action was performed in RangerMSP (audit), in other words when the data was entered into the system.

        To see the actual opening and closing dates of a Ticket from the Accounts window you should instead look at the Tickets tab for the Account. There you will see all your Tickets with the dates you entered and which can easily be sorted and filtered on those dates if required.

