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Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

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    Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

    I'm looking :) I've been using Symform after someone's recommendation of it but as it doesn't do file versioning at all, its effectively useless against viruses like Cryptolocker and other Ransomware which is becoming a lot more prevalent (dealt with three in the past couple of months and none before that).

    I need primarily a backup system (ie live syncing not necessary), I want to make a little money out of it, centrally managed for multiple clients.

    I like the look of Crashplan but their requirements for resellers are too high for me. I'm a small company with a small amount of cloud backup clients at the moment but looking to grow this. Minimal up front investment on my part would also be good although happy to pay up front if the minimal requirements aren't too high.

    any suggestions guys?


    Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

    GFI MAX ONLINE BACKUP - its great value and easy to manage


      Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

      Through GFI max console its 0.50 cents per gigabyte, which i think is extortionate? Jungledisk for example is 0.15 per GB.


        Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

        you get what you pay for, clients wont be upset at paying a higher price if you sell the product to them correctly. i have hundreds of clients using this system.


          Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

          I can't find any info on File Versions for GFI Max backup. It talks about keeping deleted files, but I cant see clear information about whether I can recover an existing file as it was say 7 days ago, or 8 days ago etc. Can i recover previous versions of existing files with it?


            Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

            I asked and they confirmed it does have file versioning.

            also had a play with it for a couple of clients who have databases, and now i'm sold. It compressed a 1.7gb database into 199MB upload to the cloud. Combine that compression with block level backup of changes and the excellent interface and I agree its great. Still a lot of money and i wouldnt be using it for customers who just need to backup docs, pics and spreadsheets but for bigger business with databases it rocks. Thanks for the heads up rob.


              Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

              Glad to help natrat, I have been using it for some time now and am very impressed with it's performance


                Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

                Natrat - are you saying 199mb after conversion. Before conversion is 1.7gb?

                BDTECHRob - You have a lot of clients, impressed and wondering how you use commit and interlink managed your client.

                Thank You


                  Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

                  I have used Datto in the past and am VERY please with their offerings. Their products not only include the cloud backup but also onsite and offsite virtualization for disaster recovery etc.. I refuse to use products like JungleDisk and Carbonite for my customers. We address disaster recovery as well as data recovery for all of our customers and 99% of the cloud backup solutions out there are only for raw data, not system recovery or business survivability.. The Datto products handle both very well..


                    Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

                    I use a combination of Symform and StorageCraft. I basically connect an external drive, and use Storagecraft to make full images of the hard drive, updated every hour. These images are then uploaded to Symform and from there I do a "Hot Spare" on my servers in my Home Office (I have a full rack with an HP 18 Drive Array and a Comcast 250MB connection). The Storagecraft costs around 7 bucks a workstation per month and around 40 bucks per server, to me it's worth it because I can run a Virtual Copy of a downed machine literally within 15 Min. Either from my own servers or locally on their network (assuming the attached Drive is still functioning). As an example, one of my clients had their entire Server STOLEN! I was able to have a virtual Machine up and running on my Server within 15Min. At the end of the day, I shut down the VM, converted it to a Physical Server (I always have a spare server and 2 spare workstations in my office) and drove it over to them. They didn't lose a beat. I charge my customers a base rate of $49.00 for workstations, $99.00 a month for SBS and $149.00 a month for Standard or Enterprise Server. (Reflecting my higher costs for each kind of StorageCraft license). On top of the base rate I give them a choice for Storage, they pay 30 cents per GB for Storage plus if they choose, I can give them 15 cents per GB CREDIT for UP TO twice their storage level (which happens to be my cost per GB on Symform). Some clients can do this and some can't. Usually I supply them with an external drive that has sufficient space for them to share, but the problem is usually with their connection. If they have a DSL connection, it's usually not viable.
                    In addition to these costs, I also charge my clients around $20.00 a month for the "Hot Spare" that I keep in my office. This generally defers the costs of my own high speed connection that I have to keep their backups in sync with my Servers.
                    The advantage of my setup is that I have "Triple Redundancy", Local to the Client, On the Cloud and Local to me. To top it off, because I'm sharing 4TB off my own servers to Symform PLUS sharing from some of my clients, my costs for storage is actually zero (outside of my own storage costs).
                    When you calculate everything I've invested in my setup, I don't really make a lot off the backups, but it keeps me closer to my clients and allows me to offer more services to them, so in that respect it's definitely worth the effort.


                      Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

                      Nice setup. God, the things you can do with a good internet connection. Where I live (in regional Australia) you are lucky to get ADSL2, my office gets a max of ADSL1 (Extended) so on a good day at maybe 3am I get 6Mb/s download, and a maximum of 0.3Mb (yes, 0.3Mb) upload no matter what time of day. Right now I am getting 256KB/sec download and 28KB/sec upload. Upload is never better than that which pretty muc eliminates uploading anything, anywhere, ever. I'm lucky Dropbox works ok.


                        Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

                        Stanley - yes it compressed a 1.7GB SQL database (from Winbeat, an insurance broker software product) into a 200MB or so upload. I dont know how, but i downloaded it and recovered it, and its all there.


                          Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

                          We use Intronis. You can do local, online, images, MSSQL databases, Exchange, VMWare Image backup and MS Hyper V. They also have a new tool called Echoshare which is similar to drop box, but as i understand it is encrypted. We have yet to start using it, but have a demo scheduled in the next week to look it over. We pay a little more for it, but have NEVER had it fail to do a restore in the 5 years we have been using it. Only a few issues on isolated machines when backups don't fire off. But this is a managed service and we are notified each day of any backups among all of our customers who utilize this service as to an issue with the backup. They appreciate the phone call telling them we need to check their backup, versus them calling us asking where this file is that was supposed to backup. Helps create a proactive environment, and capture more billable time that you would otherwise miss. Its a win win.

                          As to versioning, you can set how many versions you want to keep per backup set. Think the max is 99, don't quote me on that though.


                            Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

                            We use AVG Couldcare Online Backup Solution. This is a reseller based system that can have customised in relation to cost and auto backup or manual. This can also be managed by the IT Department (you) or the client's end. Client also get a email when the backup is completed or not and you can also keep track and start backup via the APP for Iphone or Android devices.

                            This will also link into the reseller AVG Cloudcare Products we at the moment make upwards of 110% on the monthly or yearly costing. You can add a service fee for the maintenance and removal via remote assistance through Cloudecare as it's got its own Remote Assist.

                            More info -

                            Hope this helps someone


                              Re: Cloud Backup Service with Reseller option

                              I have used intronis in the past and liked them but now I am using the GFI(Maxfocus) Backup, not the Managed online Backup that is in the Max Management console but the stand alone version. the cost is about 0.25 - 0.35 per GB and it not only has versioning for the last 30 days but if enabled will archive every month and every year. This way you can go back as far as needed .

                              The best part is they do not charge for the archive space consumed it is included as a part of your normal fee.

                              They also now have a flat fee per client available but it requires a minimum money commitment per month

