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saving reports --

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    saving reports --

    how can we save a report as it is with all the Report Criteria (search parameters) just before we create a report? Having to setup and re-select the same search fields every time (check boxes, drop down lists, dates, sort options, etc.) is incredibly tedious and a big time waste. I'm not seeing a way to save a report setup as it is just before we hit the Print Preview/Print/Print to file button. If we are going to be told to "run a report" to get the data out of the system, then we need a way to save these custom reports (not just the design but the report) just before we run it.

    thanks --


    Re: saving reports --

    The report design is customizable and you can change it and save the changes. The filtering criteria cannot be saved. It works the same for both system reports as well as custom ones. Please note that filters that are used to filter list in the app itself (Accounts/Tickets/Assets/etc.) can be saved and loaded when needed.


      Re: saving reports --

      This needs to change -- we must be able to save the "filtering" for reports as well. Having a custom designed report does no good unless we can also save the custom search criteria along with it!

      Having a custom report then needing a separate "howto" document to tell everyone how to configure all the filters so they can run the report is like having a restaurant with all the special ingredients and a cook book on the shelves but then asking the customers to cook their own dinner...

      All custom reports should have the ability to save the search criteria/filters with them. That's the whole point of custom reports!! Of course we should have the ability to tweak them just before we run them but they should "default" to how they were originally saved (with the search criteria).



        Re: saving reports --

        The ability to save a report with its respective criteria would be a huge help. I have to make screenshots of the parameter configuration just so that I can remember how to run the report each month. PLEASE PLEASE, can we add save filters for reports - or at the very least be able to save the filter configuration with the custom report!!



          Re: saving reports --

          This is much trickier than it may seem but we understand why this will help. Vote added. Thanks.


            Re: saving reports --

            I'm sure - I know there's a ton of behind the scenes elements to be considered here - but it would sure make running reports so much easier. Thanks for the consideration!


              Re: saving reports --

              Each month when I have to refer to multiple screenshots of how to configure filters... I have to ask this again. Is there no way to do this better?


                Re: saving reports --

                We've been checking a possible quick hack without success... :-( so, we understand the requirement here and have already taken a note. Thanks for following up.


                  Re: saving reports --

                  Thanks as always!

