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Blank Subject

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    Blank Subject

    A problem we've noticed on/off over the years

    When a customer sends an email into Commit (via email connector etc.) with a blank subject we receive the email (via alerts) in our outlook with a blank subject yet the ticket has obviously been created

    Also I have just spied an email in my outlook that has a subject but no TKT number - first time I have ever seen that!

    Am trying to fathom out how the sender has sent it but looks like they may have 'doctored' it whilst forwarding an email

    The subject reads 'This week's newsletter' in the list of emails in outlook but the subject in the preview area of outlook is showing FW: winmail.dat

    Very confused but perhaps an answer to my first question might help shed some light on what is going on here too

    Both as I say have been created as tickets in Commit just fine by the looks of it but also just noticed when I hit reply on the blank subject email the subject reads 'Re:' and on the one that has a subject but no TKT number it enters 'RE: winmail.dat [TKT-0500-12084]' in the subject which is the correct TKT number etc...

    Re: Blank Subject

    The ticket number should always appear when alerts are sent as well as when tickets are created from emails. We do not recall a similar issue but maybe you've hit a special scenario... we'll check that. In any case, something here sounds like it might be a local issue. Please use the Help > Technical Support menu in RangerMSP, and Outlook, to email us your RangerMSP log files for analysis, maybe we will be able to find something there...


      Re: Blank Subject

      Have basically done some tests and it seems a blank subject AND blank content email error's into the Email Connector error's email mailbox that it cannot be processed

      An email with a blank subject but has content creates a ticket and sends to outlook but no TKT in subject (in fact nothing - it's blank/nothing/zip there)

      Can you please confirm the above is/isn't what you experience?

      We are using Windows Live/ btw

      (I have noticed subject lines of 'Re: [TKT-0500-11025]' or even I think 'Fw: [TKT-0500-11025] but they have the Re:/Fw: in the subject already I think/am 99% sure and is therefore not a blank subject line originally)


        Re: Blank Subject

        Thanks. Following your report we suspect that we've found what was causing this in this scenario and already have a patch that should take care of it. Please email us directly and we'll reply with the information on how to download and apply it (easy!).

        Hope this helps.


          Re: Blank Subject

          Great email on the way/I guess this will be in the Beta patch rollups/must be affecting others etc.

          Many thanks as ever for such a quick response

          (I've yet to figure out the second email that does have a subject but no TKT number but lets see how we go with this fix)

