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Booking appointment from Web Interface

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    Booking appointment from Web Interface

    I'm still re-evaluating the product to decide whether I'm going to come back and start using CommitCRM again. I'm currently on version 6.0 but will upgrade to the latest if I decide to return.

    I'm experimenting with booking appointments via the web interface at the moment. Compared to the desktop app the web interface seems a bit cumbersome for booking appointments. When creating a ticket I select to show it in the dispatcher. From the web interface though I can't see any access to the dispatcher.

    To book an appointment from the web interface I have to pick the date and time without seeing the current appointments on the calendar. This means I have to check the calendar first, then go and create an appointment. On top of that I have to fill in the description myself, where as the desktop app fills this in for me. This seems to be too many steps for what should be a simple process.

    I guess what I'm asking is:

    Has the web interface improved the Calendar or added a dispatcher screen since version 6.0?
    Is there a way of having the web interface fill in the description in the same way as the desktop app?


    Re: Booking appointment from Web Interface

    The Dispatcher information is actually there. Click to see appointments and you'll get to see the dispatcher board with scheduled on-site visits and appointments. Then, you can schedule a new ticket by adding an appointment to it.

    Please note that you can open any number of Browser tabs for the Web interface, so in one you can see the dispatcher/calendar and in the other do the actual work like adding/updating/etc. To open a new tab simply visit the log-in page again.

    Unlike with the Web client there isn't yet a way to automatically fill in the description but you can copy the Ticket description to the Appointment description which is just below it on the form.

    Also in case you didn't see it yet - you can read all about the new version 7.0 features here.


      Re: Booking appointment from Web Interface

      Thanks for your reply.

      I'm talking about appointments that are ready to be dispatched but haven't yet been assigned a date and time. I know I can view appointments that have already been booked. On the desktop app these appear below the calendar and you just drag them to the time slot on the calendar. Similar functionality in the web interface would be great.

      Whilst opening multiple tabs and copying and pasting is Ok on a desktop PC, it all becomes a bit of a hassle when doing it via a smartphone. It's all about things being achieved with as little effort as possible. The desktop app seems to handle this pretty well but the web interface seems to require a lot of steps to complete what should be simple tasks.


        Re: Booking appointment from Web Interface

        You probably mean Tickets pending to be dispatched, as appointments are the result of the dispatching procedure. The easiest option would be to use multiple tabs, see pending tickets and schedule for this either from the Ticket details page - the Pending section, or from the Calendar itself and then linking back to the ticket.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: Booking appointment from Web Interface

          Ok, I see what you mean. I still end up with items waiting to be dispatched when I return to the desktop mode though. I guess I shouldn't tick send to dispatch when using the web interface to create a ticket.

          Are there any plans to overhaul the web interface or even better create a dedicated iOS and Android app. As much as I like the desktop side of Commit the web interface just feels too clumsy. A touch friendly button type interface such as Interlink's would make life so much easier.

          Interlink does look very good but due to the cost to get it up and running it is out of reach for a small business like myself.


            Re: Booking appointment from Web Interface

            Things change all time and the system is enhanced constantly, so we may definitely approach items in this area in the future. Thanks for your feedback.

