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Pulling Time for Employees in custom reports

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    Pulling Time for Employees in custom reports

    We bill in 1/4 hour increments, but I still track my guys in smaller chunks (1 min).
    I am trying to use Report designer for my Timesheets, but falling flat on my face
    I am modifying the Employee Charge Report, Add "Start Time" and "End Time"
    Great! So far so good,
    Now. where do I calculate End time minus start time to give me the "Total Real Time" spent?

    And once I have that, where can I total the "Total Real Time" for the report?

    I have no issue doing this for the rounded time value, but for this report that is useless for me.

    If I have a tech that takes 30 calls, tells the user to reboot, logs it at 3 min, we are looking at around 90 min of "work"
    now, if all calls are rounded to 15 min, that is a full day.

    We also want to use this to track how much time a tech is spending traveling. 18 min in a car each way is much different than 1 hour (Rounded) drive time.

    What fields am I missing? I can export out into Excel, and manually massage the data, but you already have the start time and end time. I'm sure you have a field for calculated time or something I missed in the designer


    Re: Pulling Time for Employees in custom reports

    Thank you for posting this.

    You can try using the field "Hours amount from start to end" which will show the exact time for each charge, not rounded, and you can add a DbCalc field and select calculation type Sum(hours amount from start to end) and add the field to the end of the report as well.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Pulling Time for Employees in custom reports

      Cool, THank you

