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Managing Tickets

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    Managing Tickets

    Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere/explained in KB etc. but I simply cannot think what to search on in order to get the info if it is out there

    Our current way of working with CommitCRM is to keep the ticket module open and have added the 'Last External Activity' and 'Update Date' columns so that we can sort by these columns in order to 'see' those tickets that need replying to/working on

    1) I can't figure out what the default view is for the Ticket module when first opening it - it looks to be primarily sorted by priority then I thought secondly by 'Update Date' which makes sense but doesn't seem to be the case from what I can work out as the odd ticket will not be in the correct order (and I don't think the secondary sort is 'Last External Activity' either)

    2) I have just realised if we work this way what happens if we close a ticket and a customer responds to it? I have just tested sending in a *123* test email and it hasn't magickly re-opened the ticket but would that happen if a customer sent an email into the ticket? I can't see that it would work by having the view/filter set to show [All Tickets] either as I initially thought might be the answer as completed tickets could well be intermingled with open tickets as some get completed quickly others go on for considerable amounts of time without being updated

    I am guessing the answer may be something to do with using the Inbox Tab in the Tickets Module (but are struggling to get our heads round this if am honest - up until very recently we hardly actually went into CommitCRM and instead just worked form our respective outlooks to receive and reply to emails sent out from CommitCRM which meant that we would see any update to a ticket completed or not)

    Many thanks for any help!

    Re: Managing Tickets

    #1 - Default sort is by Priority and then by Open Date/Time.

    #2 - Tickets Inbox! It's actually straight forward - any update from an external source - such as customer posting something using the Customer Web portal or by replying to a ticket by email - pushes the Ticket to the Tickets Inbox regardless of its status.
    Click to learn all about Tickets Inbox.


      Re: Managing Tickets

      #1 - Many thanks for clarifying

      #2 - Yes I have been told it is straightforward and I am sure it is but for some reason we just aren't getting our heads around it - or should I say I am not getting my head round it as it seems one of our admin staff has managed to understand it and is currently using it in conjunction with the Tickets tab to good effect so we will see how we get on and ask any questions as we go/if we come across any problems/I feel we are missing any tickets for xyz reason


