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Tacking serial numbers

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    Tacking serial numbers

    How can I track equipment serial numbers?

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: Tacking serial numbers

    You can use RangerMSP Assets in order to track Hardware and Software equipment. For each Asset you can keep a lot of information – serial number, licensing and warranty information, versions, vendor information and more. You can also open service Tickets and link them to the Assets, so you can track the service history for each equipment.

    You can search for Assets by the serial number by selecting the Serial No. in the "Find" criteria field in the search pane for Assets. You can also generate Assets reports and filter them by the serial number. You can read more about assets on our web site, under Products > Asset Management.



      Re: Tacking serial numbers

      We run a monthly report across our entire client base for assets expiring in the coming two months, we then email clients with expiring products, domain names, SSL certificates, software licenses for renewals etc. It's great for cross-sales and ensuring you don't miss the little things that keep clients running.

      They're also great for your quarterly client review, you can print out a client asset report, better yet print to Adobe and highlight equipment you're recommending be updated or replaced based on original purchase date.

