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Office 365 and Email Connector

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    Office 365 and Email Connector

    hi all

    We migrated to Office 365 over the weekend

    I configured the new Email Connector settings for both SMTP and POP

    SMTP is fine and emails are sending out to the ticket mailbox

    POP performs the test OK


    The POP conenctor doesnt download any emails

    I restarted all services etc

    Wondering if anyone else who has migrated to 365 had similar issues?



    Re: Office 365 and Email Connector

    Please send us your logs by just zipping up the \RangerMSP\Logs folder and email the attachment to us or upload somewhere and provide us with download instructions.


      Re: Office 365 and Email Connector

      an udpate

      in Australia last weekend daylight savings changed

      our Nagios monitoring server simple stopped checking hosts

      further investigation resulted in me finding that Nagios wasnt going to check hosts for 24 more hours

      so i would say a bug in there somewhere to do with daylight savings change

      now for CommitCRM, i restarted the server and a whiole lot of RMM tickets started being created, around 20,000 - mainly ticket note updates

      so that took 24 hours to process (fun)

      after that i re entered the Email Connenctor settings, restarted the server again, and ticket emails now got processed

      so whether daylight savings had anything to do with it im not 100% but both Nagios and CommitCRM had hissy fits at excactly the same time, which so happened to co-incide with our migration to Office 365



        Re: Office 365 and Email Connector

        a furhter to this, our commit log files dir is around 7 Gb so very hard to email that to Commit support

        what clean up options do we have for log files?

        i noticed most of the larges ones were RMM log files




          Re: Office 365 and Email Connector

          Thank you for the update. Great to hear all is working now.

          As for huge log files, that's definitely not normal and maybe (just an assumption) they were created because the connection with RMM systems could not have been established and a lot of errors were logged.

          We recommend to zip Logs folder and then you are free to carefully delete all the files inside of the Logs folder (please do stop RangerMSP clients and server side services prior to this).

