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UI Flickers

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    UI Flickers

    Hi everyone.

    I've got the demo version of CommitCRM running on my Surface Pro 2 for testing. When I click the UI or switch between pages or tabs, The UI flickers. Thats not really a problem but it is a bit disconcerting.

    Also it seems like it takes a second or so to switch between UI Views. almost as if it's waiting for a DB query to finish. That is with a empty database. I am somewhat concerned that if it is doing that with a empty database then what is it going to do when I start adding a good bit of data?

    Re: UI Flickers

    Thanks for posting, these are definitely not performance issues, RangerMSP can handle large databases nicely and there's always the option to grow to using an SQL back-end. In any case, with this trial database you should not hit any performance issue.

    Do you have an Anti-Virus installed on this machine? If so, please try to white-list (or exclude from scanning) the entire RangerMSP folder tree including all sub-folders and files, maybe it somehow interrupts the system operation.

    Please keep us posted.

